yeah... shocking eh! the title!

sigh... I can't stand cries... 1 minute... 2 minutes is fine... 1/2 an hour... it almost was too much...
yesterday was really bad... Julie was having her chinese tuition and i was in charge of taking care of phoebe for 1 1/2 hours... she had just passed Phoebe to me and she woke up! Don't panic... it's fine... she can be happy and be awake for some time... so we happily played... cooed... laughed for a good 25 minutes! Then noticing smacking lips... i asked Hannah to go ask the maid prepare her a bottle of milk...

ready with milk in hand... i hoped to be able to feed her prior reaching the danger zone! alas! the minute the bottle reached her lips... the crying began! When the crying starts... nothing but her mom's milk will suffice...

so began my 1/2 hour torture of patting and trying to get her to quiet down... she was tired and wanted some soothing and sleep... but for a whole 1/2 hour of soothing... and still it went on...

ARGHHH! Why! Why! aren't i carrying u so nicely... aren't u comfortable enough... didn't i try to give u milk but u rejected it... why can't u stop crying... ARGHHH!...
the window was suddenly very inviting... open... throw... and no noise anymore... ahhhhh!
needless to say... i didn't throw her out... only came very close... very very close...
she quieted down about fourty minutes of crying... partially due to exhaustion i presume... then nicely sleept on my chest... why oh why cant she just sleep of quietly... or at least tell me why... sigh... another 2-3 months of torture... before it begins to get better... i h o p e . . . :p

i ponder again... how did i forget how bad this was... when Hannah was 2 months old... & also ponder when will this end... rantings of a dad


edwin74 said...

hmm... 3rd one... wah! donno lah... "close shop" is the current concensus... unless... unless... ARGHHHHHH! God Willing Lah....

Julian said...

If you guys not willing, God also not able leh.... :P